Many different types of septic system disposal fields are approved and used in the State of Maine. Factors including but not limited to soil type, design flows, lot size, setback requirements, and owner or contractor preferences all contribute to design decisions.

Shown below are a few of some commonly designed and utilized disposal field systems.
(Click On Pictures To Enlarge)

Stone & Pipe

installing Stone bed systemSmall stone (3/4″ to 2″) & perforated pipe (usually 4″ diameter) is commonly used as one type of disposal field. This system is generally comprised of a 12″ layer of the small stone with a perforated pipe set level within the stone to disperse wastewater throughout the bed or trench configuration.


Plastic Chambers

Plastic chambers are an inverted U-shaped proprietary devicePlastic chambers are an inverted U-shaped proprietary device of varying widths that are open on the bottom and are set on a layer of coarse sand. Wastewater exits the chambers through the sand on the bottom as well as open slots on the chamber sides. This system can be placed in a bed or trench configuration.


Concrete Chambers

Concrete chambers are rectangular shaped precast concrete devicesConcrete chambers are rectangular shaped precast concrete devices that are open on the bottom and set level on a layer of coarse sand, Wastewater exits and is dispersed into the ground similar to the plastic chambers. A common application of this system is under a parking area or driveway where site options may be limited and added strength is needed.

Cuspated Block

A perforated pipe is secured on top of the blocks to disperse wastewater onto and through them into the soil belowCuspated block is a system of plates of cuspated plastic interlaced with filter fabric and bound together. These blocks are then placed together in rows and set level on a layer of coarse sand. A perforated pipe is secured on top of the blocks to disperse wastewater onto and through them into the soil below.